Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Beginnings...

Well so far, this blog has been unsuccessful. I really have wanted to keep up with it so that when Kadi is older, I can show her how I kept track of her milestones and events that have happened. I will try harder though. We were keeping a webpage up but that failed too. Hopefully I can pick up the pace on this one and keep it moving.At 7 months old, Kadi is growing so fast. She can now sit up on her own, she rolls over both ways, babbles, eats solid foods, belly laughs when she's tickled, and so many other things. We have been taking videos so hopefully I can add them on here too. Currently, she is really starting to teeth. It keeps her up at night (which keeps mommy and daddy up at night!) but hopefully that will pass soon.Her friends right now are Hailey, Drew, and of course Ella. She loves to play with other babies and loves to hang out with her cousins. Aunt Kristen sings her "their song" Dontcha Wish Your Girlfriend... by PCD.We can't wait til it gets summertime-hot so we can get the pool out and teach her how to splash! So far most of June has been rainy and/or chilly so we've had to hold off. Our beach trip is planned for August 1 so that will give us more adventures!


  1. cute blog! i hope you have blogging success! you have to really stick to it and let family and friends know and eventually it gets easier. i put the link to our blog on our christmas cards last year (rather than type an update on our family like many do)and that helped me get readers/comments.
    it's such a great record of family life! i know people who have gotten their blog professionally published as a keepsake.
    let me know if you need any blog help!

  2. O thanks! I am really looking forward to doing this and I love the idea of possibly publishing it in the future. I think it is so important to have some kind of journal to look back on and show my kids in the future. Thanks for the idea - I love reading your blog!
