Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Words

Today, Kadi began using her tounge to make new noises against her gums. It was adorable just watching her try these new things and then all of a sudden, she started to say da-da-da-da. I tried to grab for the camera, but she wouldn't do it again. When Jason got home from work, I said "O look who's home - Kadi who is that?" and she said "da-da-da." It was so cute and I will remember Jason's wide-eyed expression for ever.
Kadi was able to have a playdate today with Ella and Drew. I can't believe how Drew is so advanced being technically a month younger than Kadi. She is already crawling and pulling herself up to stand! It really interests me how some babies learn things faster and progress faster than others. But I can't wait to watch Kadi do all of these things on her own.

1 comment:

  1. christopher won't stop saying "dada." he has entire conversations with us that consist of da-da-da. lol! i always marvel at when babies reach different milestones too. it's great that you realize your little girl will do everything at her own pace. many parents worry too much and compare their child to someone else's.
